About Us
Just a P3 or P2.5 or P2 Outdoor LED screen? No, they are front service!
A P5 outdoor front service LED display? It’s easy to do. A P2.5 outdoor front service LED display? very difficult. The structure of the LED module is completely different, and the heat dissipation must be considered. Haian has solved this perfectly.
Simply, Haian is a LED display manufacturer. But deeply, what can Haian offer customers? A high-quality LED display? More than that.
There are two kinds of manufacturers in the world. The first kind manufactures LED displays according to what they have. The second kind manufactures LED displays according to what customer need. Haian is the latter. Therefore, the best value of the Haian is to help customers manufacturer LED displays as they wants.
Our Solutions
Our solution sticks to what problem it can solve for customer.
Wall Mounted
An outdoor front service LED display can be wall mounting and double side. In addition to the regular P5 P6 P8 P10, Haian also focuses on high definition P3 P2.5 and P2, and they are all front serviceable.
Double Sided
Our LED tiles is perfect for double sided LED display. It’s the real double sided LED display, not an back-to-back installation!
Protect The LEDs From Hitting And Static Electricity
For outdoor LED displays, this technology is exclusive!
The only place where you’ll get the perfect solution for all your industry needs.
Our Customers
Customers We Serve!

Most customers of Haian are contractors. Haian takes care of everything for them according to their needs, even includes the mounting frame.

A distributor has exclusive rights to his area. Haian will not develop clients in his area.

An audio visual company not only operates lighting and sound, they also operate LED screens, for rent or resell.